As Project Monitors we believe that we provide funders with an independent and impartial assessment of a project as it progresses. We monitor highlighted risks and protect their interests in an objective manner.
We believe the service we offer improves the probability of delivering the right product at the right price, within a realistic time frame. If appropriately appointed at the right time, we are able to make a valuable contribution to reducing funders risk exposure, thereby improving the prospects of the successful completion of any development.
We ensure that:
1. Contracts are correctly entered into and associated documents provided are fit for purpose.
2. All planning requirements, building regulation requirements and the requirement of any Building Standard Guarantors e.g. NHBC are complied with.
3. Any insurance / warranties / guarantees required are provided or are in place prior to the works commencing.
4. Programmes are adequately detailed and are achievable.
5. Regular progress reports are produced and compared against the base line programme.
6. Proposed sub-contractors list are maintained and reviewed to ensure all sub-contractors have relevant trade qualifications.
7. Construction risks are managed.8. Valuations reflect the value of works done.
9. Any variations arising during the scheme are recorded and cost assessed at the earliest opportunity.10. Health and Safety issues are given a high priority.
11. Any required testing of the works are carried out and all required Certificates are provided.By providing regular reports the client is provided with an early warning of when things are going wrong and by taking the appropriate action we can avoid the escalation of issues which is no doubt, of benefit to all stakeholders involved in projects.