The Party Wall Act was introduced to enable property owners to undertake construction work to walls on the boundary of their land where ownership is shared with a neighbour thereby avoiding trespass. The act lays down procedures and time tables for providing notices to neighbours of impending works to a party wall/structures. The role of the Party Wall Surveyor can be described as mitigating between neighbours to seek agreement as to how works to a party/structure can or should take place.
At Townsend and Renaudon we act for building owners wishing to carry out work to party wall or structure or for adjoining owners who have been notified of a proposed neighbours work. We also act as third party surveyors when mitigation is required between two parties when their surveyors cannot reach agreement over a proposed award.
We are Members of the Faculty of Party Wall Surveyors. Come and visit us if you are looking for Party Wall Surveyors services in London.
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