In construction the term "Employer's Agent" is used to describe an agent acting on behalf of the client as the contract administrator for design and build contracts.
Additional tasks are often added by clients to this role, such that the Employers Agent often co-ordinates the design stage and tender processes.
As a practice we are extremely well versed in exercising this extended role.
The services we can offer include:
1. The co-ordination of required surveys.
2. The co-ordination of pre-contract designers.
3. Provide and monitor budget costs from the outset and throughout the course of the project.
4. Minute and chair design team meetings.
5. Assist in putting together the client's brief / specifications.
6. Co-ordinate the tender process.
7. Co-ordinate and review information prepared by the contractor.
8. Prepare tender reports and recommendations.
9. Considering items submitted by the contractor for "approval", as required by the Employer's Requirements.
10. Issue contract instructions.
11. Managing change control procedures.
12. Review the progress of the works and preparing reports for the client.
13. Minute and chair construction progress meetings.
14. Validate and certify payments due.
15. Considering claims.
16. Monitoring commissioning and inspections.
17. Arranging handover.
18. Certifying practical completion.
19. Highlight defects in the work to the contractor.
20. Issuing the certificate of making good defects.
21. Agreeing the final account.
Details of case studies and references can be provided upon request.
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